My Alabaster Jar: A Life Broken and Poured Out unto Jesus
Mary of Bethany was one of Jesus’ dearest friends and most radical lovers. Her lavish worship has inspired songs, books, and works of art for centuries; and her unrestrained adoration has shown the way of love to millions. In her story, we find an allegory of each of our lives.

Vision for 2025: Worship in Community
Welcome to 2025! As we begin a new year, my personal prayer is that this would be a year of His presence – a year to know Jesus more, to pursue His heart, and to become more like Him.
At the beginning of each year, I ask the Lord for vision and direction for our community at Adoration Music Academy. I am excited to share with you the vision for this year as well as new opportunities that will be launching soon.

How to Play “My Jesus I Love Thee” on Piano
“My Jesus I love Thee; I know Thou art mine.” This beautiful hymn has been a classic for centuries, expressing the believer’s simple love for Jesus.

How to Play “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” on Piano
“Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word.” This traditional hymn has been a favorite for centuries, reminding us that trusting Jesus truly is an act of worship.

How to Play “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” on Piano
“What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.” The traditional hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” has been a classic bringing peace and comfort to people of all ages.

How to Play “Alleluia” on Piano
The traditional hymn “Alleluia” means “Praise the Lord” and has been a classic for decades. As you play this song on the piano for church or personal worship, let your heart rise to Jesus in worship, adoration, and love.

Thanksgiving and the Worship of Heaven
Another key aspect of the worship of heaven is the centrality of thanksgiving. Recently I was challenged to have a spirit of thankfulness in all things. As a result, I decided to study the Scriptures on the topic and was amazed by what I found.

How to Play “Draw Me Close” on Piano
"You’re all I want. You’re all I’ve ever needed. Help me know You are near." The modern praise song “Draw Me Close” reflects the longing of our hearts for Jesus and His presence. As you play this song for church or personal worship, let it express your heart’s cry to know Him more.

The Path to Friendship with God: Being Trusted with His Heart
The greatest privilege is to know God and be His friend. Far above fulfilling any calling, purpose, or achievement, we desire to know Him… to sit in His heart, to be trusted, and to discover how our lives can minister to Him. We see this same heart cry throughout the Scripture, but perhaps most notably in the life of Moses.

How to Play “Yeshua (My Beloved)” on Piano
"My beloved is the most beautiful among thousands." The song “Yeshua” speaks of the beauty and majesty of Jesus. Let your heart rise in worship as you play this beautiful song for church or personal worship.

Experiencing God’s Presence: Living Face to Face with God
Worship is one of the most intimate expressions of love between us and Jesus. As we worship, we come face to face with God, as we were created to do; and as we behold His face, our hearts erupt in continual worship.

How to Play “More Precious than Silver” on Piano
"Lord, You are more precious than silver. Lord, You are more costly than gold. Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds, and nothing I desire compares with You." This beautiful worship chorus reminds us that Jesus is the treasure and the prize.

When Worship Is Hard: Pursuing the Presence of God
Let's be honest... sometimes we just don't feel like worshipping. We know we should, and we know it is our "one heart and one purpose" (Jer. 32:39), but often our hearts just aren't feeling it. Recently I was pondering this reality and asking the Lord what it is that positions our hearts in the place of truly desiring to worship.

How to Play “The Heart of Worship” on Piano
“The Heart of Worship” is a timeless anthem drawing us back to what really matters - not performance or show - but the true heart of worship and devotion to Jesus.

Unlocking the Scriptures: 4 Ways to Know Jesus as You Read the Bible
In order to worship Jesus “in spirit and in truth,” we have to know Him. The problem is that many people today don’t know Him. What does He like? What does He dislike? What are His ways? What is on His heart in this moment? Beyond simply speaking of Him in words, how can our hearts truly know Him?

How to Play “Worthy of It All” on Piano
“Worthy of It All” is a classic worship song declaring the beauty of Jesus and inviting us into the endless worship of heaven.

Be Still and Know: How to Spend Time with God Daily
Worship must begin in what the Scriptures call "the secret place" (Matt. 6:6), with just you and the Lord. You will never be able to lead others into worship in a corporate setting until you can worship alone when no one is watching. You will never be able to worship at your instrument until you can first worship without it. So how do we worship Jesus alone in the secret place? Psalm 46:10 gives us the key: “Be still and know that I am God.”

How to Play “O Praise the Name” on Piano
"O Praise the Name” is a timeless worship song speaking of the love of Jesus in His death, burial, resurrection, and future return.

How to Play Major Scales on the Piano
A scale in music includes all of the notes in a key. For example, in the key of C major, which has no sharps or flats, the scale is C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. Learning all of the major scales on the piano will allow you to play fluently in any key.

David’s Tabernacle and the Worship of Heaven
What happens when we worship? Are we simply singing songs in our living room, or is our personal worship a part of something far bigger, far more eternal? Throughout history, the Scriptures and the church have always seen worship as the coming together of heaven and earth.