How to Play Major Scales on the Piano
A scale in music includes all of the notes in a key. For example, in the key of C major, which has no sharps or flats, the scale is C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C. Learning all of the major scales on the piano will allow you to play fluently in any key.
You can download a free PDF file of Worship Piano Reference Charts here. This resource kit includes piano key names, chord diagrams, seventh chords, scales, and chords in a key / Nashville Number System.
An Introduction to Scales
Watch this video for a step-by-step tutorial on how to learn the C scale (hands separately and hands together), explanations of the scale diagrams, and additional resources:
Scale Diagrams
Fingering is very important when playing scales, so be sure to follow the fingering below carefully. (The thumb is finger #1, index finger is finger #2, middle finger is finger #3, ring finger is finger #4, and little finger is finger #5.)
Following are the diagrams for each major scale on the piano. A number in parentheses is used only at the very top or bottom of the scale. A slash indicates that either fingering can be used.
You can download a free PDF chart of all of the major scales on the piano here.
C major scale:
Db (D flat) major scale:
D major scale:
Eb (E flat) major scale:
E major scale:
F major scale:
F#/Gb (F sharp/G flat) major scale:
G major scale:
Ab (A flat) major scale:
A major scale:
Bb (B flat) major scale:
B major scale:
Free PDF Download
You can download a free PDF file of Worship Piano Reference Charts here. This resource kit includes piano key names, chord diagrams, seventh chords, scales, and chords in a key / Nashville Number System.
Want to learn more?
If you would like to learn how to play worship piano like a pro, check out my Worship Essentials courses. This unique approach combines a simple, easy-to-follow method of learning the piano along with teachings on the heart of worship - and it has proven successful for people of all ages and levels.
Or, if you would prefer one-on-one instruction, consider online lessons. Lessons incorporate the same content of the Worship Essentials courses but have the added bonus of one-on-one coaching and instruction.
Happy worshipping!