Knowing Jesus in the Scriptures


In order to worship Jesus “in spirit and in truth,” we have to know Him. The problem is that many people today don’t know Him. What does He like? What does He dislike? What are His ways? What is on His heart in this moment? Many people don’t know.

So how can we know Jesus? Beyond simply speaking of Him in words, how can our hearts truly know Him?

Luke 24:13-32 gives the account of the disciples on the road to Emmaus when Jesus began to walk with them and teach them. Verse 31 says, “Suddenly, their eyes were opened, and they knew Him.” How did these two disciples begin to know Jesus? It was in two ways: (1) through the opening of the Scriptures, and (2) in the breaking of bread, or Holy Communion. Today I want to give you four practical ways to know Jesus in the Scriptures.

First, realize that when you open your Bible, you are not opening a mere history book; you are opening the heart of God. Jesus said, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” God has spoken His Word; therefore, His Word reveals His heart. When you open your Bible, you are opening His heart. So when you come to the Scriptures, don’t come with the attitude, “I’m going to do my daily devotions” or “I’m here to read a chapter.” Let your heart posture be, “I am entering the heart of God.”

Second, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His Word to you. The Bible must be read with the Author present. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit “will teach you all things.” So even before you begin reading, say, “Holy Spirit, open my eyes, reveal Jesus, and show me the heart of God on these pages.”

Third, as you read, read with the Lord. If your boyfriend or girlfriend were sitting in front of you and handed you a love letter, how would you read it? Would you get out your dictionary and colored pencils and look up the meaning of every single word? Would you run to your friends and ask what they think of the letter? Or would you let the letter lead you to gaze on the face of the one you love? The letter points to the person, and the letter leads you into love.

Finally, when you read your Bible, read slowly until the Holy Spirit highlights something. It might be a word, a verse, a thought, or a question. And when that happens, stop. Turn your heart to Him, and talk to Him. Ask Him questions. Let Him show you His heart, His ways. The Bible was never meant to be something we debate; it was meant to be an invitation into the heart of Jesus. It wasn’t written so you could meditate on mere words; it was written so you could encounter the One who is the Word.

As you read, let the words lead you to Jesus. Let the words lead you to commune with Him. Read with your heart, not with your head. Don’t look for facts; look for the heart of God. Let the Scriptures lead you to behold Him, and let the revelation lead you into worship.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


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