How to Play “Here I Am to Worship”
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

How to Play “Here I Am to Worship”

"Here I Am to Worship” is a modern-day worship song that speaks of the beauty and majesty of Jesus, captivating the heart with the beauty of His face.

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Three Types of Prayer
Makayla Stevenson Makayla Stevenson

Three Types of Prayer

We need all three realms of prayer – verbal prayer, meditative prayer, and contemplative prayer. But it is in contemplative prayer that we are truly changed – because the realm of contemplative prayer isn’t a place we enter and then leave. It’s a place where our hearts can abide even when our bodies and minds are doing something else.

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How to Play Amazing Grace
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

How to Play Amazing Grace

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found - was blind but now I see." This hymn has been a classic for hundreds of years, speaking of the joy and assurance of knowing Jesus.

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One Heart and One Purpose
Makayla Stevenson Makayla Stevenson

One Heart and One Purpose

In heaven, there will be no need to work, or preach, or write books, or pray for healing – but in heaven we will still worship. So as we worship here, we are entering into what we will do for all of eternity – to worship Jesus forever.

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How to Play “What a Beautiful Name”
Makayla Stevenson Makayla Stevenson

How to Play “What a Beautiful Name”

One of the most popular worship songs of the past five years is "What a Beautiful Name." This song takes people directly into the presence of the Lord and is likely to remain a classic for years to come. As you play it on the piano, let your heart rise to Jesus in worship, adoration, and love.

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13 Easy Christmas Songs for Piano
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

13 Easy Christmas Songs for Piano

Would you like to play classic Christmas carols on the piano? As a worship piano teacher, I have created easy-to-follow chord charts for 13 traditional Christmas songs and step-by-step video tutorials showing the chords, notes, and timing.

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The Purpose of Worship
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

The Purpose of Worship

The meaning of life is to know Jesus. And that is why we worship – to see Him, and to know Him. We don’t worship for an encounter. We worship because He is the encounter. And knowing Him is the greatest privilege we will ever have.

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How to Play Worship Piano
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

How to Play Worship Piano

Would you like to learn how to play piano for worship? Follow this step-by-step tutorial to learn the basics of worship piano and start playing your favorite songs today! For more in-depth instruction, also check out my Worship Essentials courses.

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Worship: The Highest Calling
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

Worship: The Highest Calling

“Be still and know that I am God.” Go be alone with Jesus, and simply sit still. You will never find Him in the busyness of life until you have first found Him in the stillness, in the quiet places. Elijah did not find Him in the wind or the fire but in the still, small voice. You will never find Him in the doing until you have first found Him in the being.

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A Theology of Classical Music
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

A Theology of Classical Music

Most of classical music wasn’t written for worship, and a large part of it wasn’t even written by Christians. So as worship musicians, is it okay to play Beethoven… or Tchaikovsky… or the Beatles… or Happy Birthday? Where is the line, where does the sacred meet the secular, and where does the secular become sacred because the light of Jesus has shone upon it, casting out all darkness?

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Your Presence Is Heaven
Makayla Stevenson Makayla Stevenson

Your Presence Is Heaven

How important is the presence of the Lord in worship? How do we know when He is in the room? And how do we as worship leaders and musicians follow the voice of the Holy Spirit when He comes to dwell among us?

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Lead Me in Love
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

Lead Me in Love

Have you ever played the piano and been so nervous that your hands were shaking and you couldn’t find the keys? Have you ever led a worship set where you started in the wrong key, came in at the wrong time, and forgot the words – all in the same song? Situations like this have happened to all of us.

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The Wise Men as a Pattern for Worship
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

The Wise Men as a Pattern for Worship

When the wise men brought their gifts to Jesus, they gave us a clear pattern for how Jesus desires to be worshipped. In addition, the very gifts they brought spoke of Jesus as the Son of God, the One worthy of our worship, and the suffering Savior. How beautiful He is!

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Mary of Bethany as a Pattern for Worship
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

Mary of Bethany as a Pattern for Worship

Many of the accounts in Scripture are patterns for worship. That is, often when the writers of Scripture recount an event, the Holy Spirit is revealing a deeper truth about how the Lord desires to be worshipped. This is the first in a series on patterns for worship in the Bible.

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The Heart of the Worship Pianist
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

The Heart of the Worship Pianist

As worship musicians, we have a lot to think about during a set: playing the right notes, staying with the band, reading chord charts, following cues from other musicians, adjusting the sound of our own instrument, and paying attention to what the Lord is doing in the room.

But there is something more important than executing a set perfectly or even following the leading of the Holy Spirit perfectly. It is our hearts.

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Behold this Jesus
Adoration Music Academy Adoration Music Academy

Behold this Jesus

Behold this Jesus. Behold Him on the cross, suffering, bleeding, dying.

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